In Reply to: Re: Red Wine Questions posted by Cork Dork on October 11, 2003 at 03:20:38:
Also if you are willing to go up to the ten to thirteen dollar range there are french wines of great value available from lesser designations. The AOC, is the french orginization that controls the production(to a certain extent) and especially the labeling of exported french wines, however wines that do not make the cut are designated "vin de paye" and so on. These are often very good wines at lovely low prices made from the same fruit, by the same makers of the expensive stuff. It helps to find an importer you can trust as well(Robert Ketcher for instance),their lable will be on the back of the bottle. If you can I recommend you go to a large wines and spirts store(the warehouse type) as they usually have people who taste everything and love to talk about it. In my experience value wines are quite easy to locate in these places, and I even had to insist to be shown bottles in the twenty dollar range. Good luck!
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