In Reply to: Red Wine Questions posted by JeffMO on July 21, 2003 at 09:11:54:
When looking for inexpensive reds, one need not look farther than your average drug store. There are many fantastic reds available for few precious bucks. Depending on your taste, and availability, look towards Austrailia, Chile, and Spain for best value per dollar.Look for most anything from McLaren Vale Austrailia and Maipo Valley Chile. In my opinion, some of the greatest buys now are from Washington state. While not as readily available, or inexpensive as others, vineyards such as Kestrel, Whitman, Sheridan, L'ecole 41, and McCrea all produce outstanding juice. I try to stay away from California in the "best bang for the buck" area. There are great wines to be had in the Pacific Northwest!
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