In Reply to: A couple questions cabs (quilceda) and pinot gris (Willakenzie) posted by BrianM on June 23, 2003 at 13:05:22:
Brain, quilceda creek has gotten so many rave reviews from the wine critics in a row that even the wine advocate called them the best cabarnet producer in the world in the '90s. Myself, I bought a bunch at auction of the '97, '98, 99 and don't understand the fuss. I'm a bordeaux guy and quiceda has been compared to a young margaux. Quilceda is a very well made wine with a great bluberry nuance, but to my palate, its still a big american, tannic, high alcohol wine. I'll sit on the rest for a few years and see how they come around. Regardless, each of the last 5 or 6 vintages has scored above 94 pts and the '99 was a WA 100 pointer. Quilceda has been largely unamerican in that they haven't raised their prices to strtospheric levels like the vast majority. The current release the '00 was offrered from the winery at $68 per bottle and you can find it in shops for around $80. You will only find older vintages at autcion from anywhere between $80-$140 per bottle depending on the vintage. They also make a second red wine which i've never tasted priced around $30.
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