First of all, I can't seem to find my favorite wine, Quilceda Creek, and even if I could the prices around here are REALLY high. About five years ago, I bought a case of Quilceda Creek Cabernet from a small shop in Ohio for around 320. It seems that NOW a case would cost roughly 1100. Anyway, I'm not into paying that much for a case - is there anything similar for much less? Or am I being quoted ridiculous prices for Quilceda Creek wine?
Also, I recentry tried a 2001 Willakenzie Estate Pinot Gris, and goodness gracious that was a good wine - 19.95 local price. can anyone point me in the right direction of a similar wine around the same price or cheaper would be GREAT.
I like HUGE reds and my girlfriend likes mellow fruitier whites, so when we have wine we're always opening two bottles which can get a bit costly.
Best Regards,
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