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It’s like to use the $300 analog system + Vibroplane and to adjust the Vibroplane pressure for each record …

Dear jj,

despite that some of your comments are generally correct they have NO practical meaning and can serve only self-entertaining purpose. In the situation when you don’t control the development process is very difficult and practically impossible to get predictable result and take advantage of film’s idiosyncrasies. (Witch easy could be overcome by certain exposure and custom developing techniques) Even if hypothetically we assume that you use VERY good lab then, even there, the quality control of C-41 will be not up to the E-6’s point of the demands. Not to mention the B&W. Even good custom lab has a $10-12/hour teenager who cooks all his film in badly controlled and already dead D-76 (witch is not the best choice to begin with). The proper B/W development is lost knowledge (as well as manufacturing good sound). It is very unfortunate fact. I am not object what you said. I question of this has a practical meaning for you guys….

Romy the Cat.

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  • It’s like to use the $300 analog system + Vibroplane and to adjust the Vibroplane pressure for each record … - Romy 09:20:35 03/24/01 (12)

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