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I think this concept car looks interesting...

Posted on June 13, 2004 at 12:23:49



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     To me.... - subcoolman 17:28:07 06/13/04 (1)
       Hey - Stephan 20:22:36 06/14/06 (0)
     To me.... - subcoolman 17:28:07 06/13/04 (1)
       Hey - Stephan 20:22:36 06/14/06 (0)
To me...., posted on June 13, 2004 at 17:28:07 looks like one of the new Chryslers from the front, and either a Z3 or a Cougar from the rear.

But, hey. What do I know? It usually takes about five years for the new styles to look good to me.

audio apprentice.


Hey, posted on June 14, 2006 at 20:22:36

Oh, my world. It is ok


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