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Lake's Folly Vineyards

Posted on May 29, 1999 at 18:57:27

The apex of Australian Cabernet is still probably Lake's Folly, IMHO.

Lifted floral nose of cabernet perfumes (i.e. berries and violets).
Light to medium body, with excellent fruit weight of plum/prune
characters. Classic Folly finesse (i.e. elegant and complex). Lives
a very long time (15 years+).

Lake's Folly also make a magnificent Chardonnay, but it is only available
in 4 of 12 mixed dozens. Very 'Montrachet-like'.

Both wines only available from the vineyard, or if you're flying QANTAS, or
if you frequent the Savoy, London.

Price : $AUD276.00 + freight.
Availability : 4000 cases per annum

Lake's Folly
Broke Road
New South Wales 2320

Gary Jacobson


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Re: Lake's Folly Vineyards, posted on June 8, 1999 at 02:37:15

Might try dropping in on the vineyard next time I visit my family in Oz. Sounds very good.

My "hero" is the winemaker from SA who has a small vineyard next to (I think) Penfold's top Cab Sav area and only sells to visitors at a very reasonable price. When asked why he didn't put up the price and export he replied "I can only drive one vehicle at a time and the ute does me. The wife has a new comfortable car. I live in a nioce house in a beautiful spot. All I want to do is make better and better wines." What a man! Still if he became an audiophile that view about filthy lucre might change.

PS Any ideas who it was and the address of the vineyard.


Re: Lake's Folly Vineyards, posted on June 8, 1999 at 14:36:49

I need a few more hints on that one. Hoever, he obviously has his
act and head together. Too many good wineries go downhill when expansionist
prosperity sets in.

Gary Jacobson


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