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Are there No custom camera builders?

Posted on June 14, 2005 at 23:04:55

Cameras seem to be one of the only types of devices where the user always has to deal with product manager's compromises. Everywhere else one can order, a modified or bespoke or outright custom version of something, sometimes only at a price tier well away from most any shmoe, but it's still there. you can individualised ceiling fans, dresses, shirts, bicycles, cars, toys but you can't even buy a camera that can be modified, as though the black box with buttons on it is sacred or something and only multi national corps can produce them.

I know there are other people besides myself who can't ever seem to find exactly the right tool. the marketing people would say otherwise but we all know that the camera industry has swallowed itself up in a feature mire, completely bent on selling.

i used to think hasselblad and leica removed from this but whether that's true or not doesn't matter as their products are far too focussed (read: stodgy) and with little differentiation between models.

do i have to pick up the ball? is there a custom camera underground?


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-Is there any interest here?-, posted on June 20, 2005 at 20:34:06

My bike frame was custom made because I was unsatisfied with what was on the market.
Why can't my camera?

ok, if that doesn't work; What gear have you found to be the nicest to use?

, so if there is any interest i may consider pushing the subject around the internet a bit and see what can be mustered as far as resources go. I know there are a number of companies out there who make cameras to order for things like ROVs and government type work.

I figure get chummy with some optics companies (zeiss etal), some sensor manufacturers (Foveon, Matsushita etal) bring a talented watchmaker or two together with some talented software engineers add a charismatic industrial designer and sponsor a talented photographer and you've got the ability to produce some really sought after equipment.


Re: Yep, There Is A Custom Underground:, posted on June 20, 2005 at 21:13:26

I did a google search and.....


sinar is part way there, posted on June 20, 2005 at 23:26:34

I wasn't sure who would bring it up, but I was aware of the pinhole culture, though not necessarily of the extent of it.

this is all part of the adventure, the search for the perfect tool for the perfect shot, like the search for audio nirvana; a great odyssey.

Sinar has the mix I spoke of, though i haven't tried their software and their plastick leaves much to be desired. The M is a great idea. I'm still annoyed by the lack of quick succession shooting with their digital backs. Their eMotion22 back, their fastest, can still only do as fast as someone with a manual advance. Not to mention its other shortcomings nor to short-change their accomplishment.

I lead myself to ask another question: do i have to make my case? or is it self evident?

I suppose i'll say it again in different words: of all the commodities in the general price range there is none more tied into the whims of essentially undifferentiated commercial entities. The whole camera business seems bogus and non-sensical to me, and i'm sure i'm not alone. I can't be, can i ?

A relative's photo club teacher once said "[all a camera is, is a dark box]". And i can't for the life of me, understand why the extent of that idea seems to be pinhole cameras, and complete nonpluss-age to just about everybody else.

appologies, for length, width, girth.


HA HA!!, posted on July 12, 2005 at 09:54:55

HA, Ebony camera! They do stuff with wood and titanium, and make variations on a theme, of all different sizes. 20x24" film!! they also have a nifty compact camera with movements made from aluminum.


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