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Posted on September 4, 2004 at 07:45:05
Rich Jura

Posts: 224
Joined: June 1, 2000
Anyone know if the new GTO has one of those 'Black Box'data
recording devices??

Thank You
Rich Jura


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Don't know, but if it does, beware..., posted on September 4, 2004 at 08:33:51

Posts: 8851
Location: Northern Virginia
Joined: June 13, 2003
As the GTO is built in Australia, any such device will surely be used against you in a kangaroo court.


That's Funny........nt, posted on September 4, 2004 at 10:30:36
Rich Jura

Posts: 224
Joined: June 1, 2000


Re: New GTO, posted on September 7, 2004 at 17:27:11
Posts: 1187
Joined: April 5, 2000
i have a feeling virtually all new cars have some type of recording facility as part of the ODB system :(

(kisses his zero computer 1985 Euro spec car)


Rich, the computers associated with the LS-1 engines..., posted on September 7, 2004 at 17:36:42
Bill Leebens

Posts: 3578
Location: Longmont, Colorado
Joined: April 4, 2000
...were the most sophisticated in the automotive industry when they were introduced in the C5 Vette---over 3 MILLION lines of code!

Even the best aftermarket hackers took a while to get in. Yes, like almost all OBDII systems, it is capable of storage. Most are not set up to do so, to my knowledge--and any prudent hacker would bypass or eliminate it....The GTO set-up is probably simpler than the Vette set-up, but it's still pretty damned dense.

Check the LS-1 boards for details.

Cheers, Bill.


The car today., posted on September 7, 2004 at 23:51:23
Industry Professional

Posts: 3381
Location: FL.
Joined: December 26, 1999
What will that all do Bill? (get my email? no response yet)

Will it tell me my meals and locations by fart scents and when I decided to take it 6 over the limit because of a tailgating driver or need of the can? Will we be plugged into the police and dmv now? Will our driving experiences be like having the DMV test liason sitting there 24/7? Could the seat weight and driving habits be learned? Will a more than 12 min visit to a bar via GPS constitute drunk driving?

Be scared, be very scared.


Re: Rich, the computers associated with the LS-1 engines..., posted on September 8, 2004 at 06:14:59
Rich Jura

Posts: 224
Joined: June 1, 2000
I guess it does.Here's the story..My 17 year old daughter has a friend
who's parents bought her a 6spd GTO last weekend.She took delivery of
it Tuesday.Her Dad gives her some stick shift lessons that day and
then turns her loose.Wednesday with only 35miles on the car and 2 of
her friends with her she totals the car running head on into a family
of 3.After she spun the car around crossed the medium the car was doing 54 at time of impact(black box).Driver minimum damage out on crutchs.Front passenger (17yrold)passed away Monday head injury,induced coma since last Wednesday when they brought her out of
it blood clots to the brain.Rear fractured hip'layed up for 6 weeks.
Other car 2 still on critical list one serious,father has had one
leg amputated and still critical.
If my daughter didn't have a dentist appointment she most likely
would have been with.
Now are the parents responsible for this horrible mess??

I think they should be held to some type of accountability.

Sorry Had To Vent Somewhere
Later Rich


That's horrible. I'm sorry to hear that..., posted on September 8, 2004 at 10:05:36
Bill Leebens

Posts: 3578
Location: Longmont, Colorado
Joined: April 4, 2000 a parent, I'm horrified and pissed-off by stories of such parents. Somehow there are always well-intentioned fatheads who appear to want to be their child's pal, more than their parent---and allow outrageous liberties that threaten the kid and everyone around them.

I knew a guy in Memphis whose daily driver in high school (this was in the early 70's)was given to him by dear old dad: a '67 Shelby Cobra 427(yes, a real one) with the engine rebuilt by Holman & Moody for greater output. Somehow, the kid survived.

I don't know what to tell you. This may serve as a cautionary tale for your daughter, that she might steer clear of any future such rides. The thing is: almost any ride w/ teenage drivers is dangerous.

So: where do you draw the line? My kids are 10 and 12---I'm not looking forward to this problem.

Good luck to you---and all the survivors.

Cheers, Bill.


Re: That's horrible. I'm sorry to hear that..., posted on September 8, 2004 at 11:44:38
Rich Jura

Posts: 224
Joined: June 1, 2000
Hello Bill
I consider myself very lucky.
21 year old son,doesn't drink or smoke.Driving since 16 not even a
ticket.Going to WMU studying occupational therapy.
20 yearold daughter has drivers license prefers bicycles(another worry
Chicago streets)going to Columbia College,music management.
17 yearold daughter senior, drives a 92 Explorer she bought with her
Pizza shop earnings.We help her out with the insurance.Wants to
get into law, has the grade point average.
I think I'm blessed.



Re: Rich, the computers associated with the LS-1 engines..., posted on September 8, 2004 at 17:07:08
Industry Professional

Posts: 3381
Location: FL.
Joined: December 26, 1999
Very sad story. Such a shame. I am speechless.


Sad story, just like one th happened up here.., posted on September 13, 2004 at 19:56:28
Rich Brkich

Posts: 832
Location: Near Syracuse, New York
Joined: April 3, 2000
Same basic story, minivan and all. The car that did the deed in this case was a Ferrari (a Testarosa from what I could tell of the pictures of the remaining mess).

Quite frankly, I hold the parents of such youg drivers to blame as much as the young man or woman behind the wheel. First put the kind through some serious driver training (something that will teach real/serious driver skills and also scare the shit of them a good deal too). Putting such a inexperienced driver behind the wheel of such a powerful car is a reckless act.

Happy Listening,
Rich Brkich
Retailer & Audio Asylum Industry Liaison


Natural Selection at work...gottal love that..., posted on January 11, 2005 at 15:49:46

Stupid is as stupid does...

parents who let their kids drive, especially "with their friends" in the car... get their kids Naturally Selected out of the Gene Pool...


...thank God!

I'm a Christian, so I'm allways happy to hear about people coming to Jesus (early and often)...especially those of breeding age.

Natural Selection: it's an Intelligent Design, don't ya think?


all American cars have black box, but not our German, posted on January 25, 2005 at 21:50:07

friends - Porsche has said they do not believe their customers want it (gee, ya think?) and BMW & Mercedes have also "just said no" so far. Death to Big Brother!


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