In Reply to: Re: How much wine do you drink? posted by JeffMO on August 27, 2004 at 07:43:23:
"I don't want to build a tolerance or drink more than one glass to "relax" and start relying on it, then wanting to drink more"Sounds like some neo-prohibitionist has been lying to you. Have a little faith in mankind in general and yourself specifically.
"maybe you just really like the taste"
Nobody becomes a wine enthusiast for the alcohol content. The taste is 99% of the experience. Why do you think there are so many wines?
"Otherwise if you like the alcohol effects as well as taste, there would be the danger I would think"
Danger of what? Enjoying yourself? Whatever you do, avoid that feeling of satisfaction and well-being after dinner.
"after a while you may be able to enjoy 1-2 glasses at a time"
I know this is sexist, but what, are you a girl? Why not enjoy 3,4 even,... gasp... a bottle, if that is what is enjoyed?
"Can you easily go one or two nights without and not think about it"
I confess - when I am eating rice cakes and soup on Saturday, I am thinking about Tuesday's upcoming seven course meal and the wines I will choose to accompany it. Not only am I looking forward to my next glass of wine, I am almost feverishly awaiting that next 3 oz. of foie gras
If your budget constrains you to one glass of wine 3 or 4 days a week, you must be a young man. Someone has been filling your head with "substance abuse" propaganda. Shake it out - rub it off. Live in the gustatory glory that is available. To paraphrase Lazarus Long - moderation is for monks.
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