In Reply to: My first vintage port--O HELP!!!!! posted by GullsGirl on March 30, 2004 at 01:13:53:
Store it in a cool dark place, on its side. When you're ready to drink it, stand it up for a day to let the sediment fall to the bottom. Definitely decant it into a carafe.1963 was a very great vintage, and the best bottles, stored properly, can last 30-50 years. My recommendation, since you're not 100% sure how it was been stored is to drink it sooner rather than later. It's probably drinking great right now, and you definitely would rather drink a wine too young than too old. I drank a 1970 Taylor port a couple years ago that was drinking very nicely.
Drink it soon for a nice occasion, like say, graduation.
If you're intimidated by all this "wine stuff" don't be. Nothing about wine needs to be or should be pretentious. Wine is fun to drink, plain and simple. The more of it you try, the more you learn what you like or don't like. Trust me, if this bottle of port is in good shape, you will notice a tremendous difference between it and LBV port.
I would find a nice wine shop that has a good variety, and talk to the store salesperson. "Funky hair and piercings" (your description) should not influence the salesperson positively or negatively if he/she is serious about helping someone learn about wine -- your money is as good as anyone else's. If you live in a cool college town (Cambridge, or Ann Arbor, say) the stores probably are used to students.
Enjoy. Feel free to email me directly if you want to discuss further.
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