In Reply to: Vouvray "Moelleux" 1990 Domaine de la Fountainerie? posted by melissa on November 18, 2003 at 12:44:58:
As I live in France it's easyer for me to help you to find some of those wines directly from the producer.
Particle4 told you it's possible to find better wines than those or to discover new wines and I'm sure he is right.
But for all wines we have tasted, there is more than a technical description of color, flavor or taste. The affective context you lived at this moment, the place where you were and friends around you were participating to this special feeling you want to live again...So I understand that you want to try those wines again.
I didnt find all the adresses but try to call or Email the following, may be it's possible for them to send some bottles to you...
Domaine Sarda Mallet (** on "Guide hachette" which is one of the french wines bible) adress: domaine Salvat père et fils, Pont Neuf, 66610 Villeneuve la rivière, France. Tel +
For the Riesling you look for, it comes from Josmeyer which is an old familiy of wine makers since 1840. They make wines in Alsace (a region between France an germany) the adress is (Josmeyer, 76 rue Clemenceau, 68920 Wintzenheim, France. tel + email
The vouvray is "domaine de la fontainerie" it can be found directly on the web at the followwing adress
Enjoy your taste and "souvenir"
PS: excuse my poor english
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