In Reply to: Charles Shaw 2001 Cabernet posted by Delirium on June 25, 2003 at 01:03:14:
I have to comment here.I picked up a bottle of the 2001 Cabernet this week out of curiosity and found it utterly unappealing in every regard. The color seemed wholly unnatural (it had a slight magenta hue), as if food coloring were added to make it look right. The taste was without any substance whatsoever, and reminded me of Manischewitz without all the sugar,
Just where did all these great reviews come from? If the metric is "good for the money", then I suppose that any type of noxious drink could be considered great if it were free. Really, the idea that people flock to buy cases of this shows how little appreciation most folks have for good wine. I dread the day I'm invited to someone's house for dinner and they serve this. Brrrr.
Life is short! Go out and find a bottle of real wine and enjoy!
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