In Reply to: Looking for Recs for Easter Dinner Wines... posted by budrew on April 02, 2003 at 09:35:46:
While Pinot Noir certainly is drinkable with lamb, the classic match is Cabernet/Bordeaux. Certainly with your budget you don't want to try (because you won't succeed)to purchase a decent Pinot Noir. (If you absolutely insist, try Pepperwood Grove).9 bucks, eh? You have to go higher - this is a holiday meal with guests. You can find Rodney Strong Sonoma Cab for 12.99. I have heard good things about Concha y Toro's Casiellero(sp.?) del Diablo for around $10. I advise against Bogle's Cab. Chateau St. Michelle makes a nice Cab for between $10-15. You can always buy Forest Glen - some like it, I don't.
Now the Chardonnay. For an aperitif? For those who don't like red wine? For your money buy an Aussie - Lindemann's or Wyndham's. The Wyndham's is oakier (and a little cheaper, throw the 2 bucks at the red wine).
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