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Re: and the Rockets Red Glare..................230 years

Posted by jerryjg on July 6, 2006 at 17:01:41:

I'm not impressed. Why did you have to photshop that? Obviously you werent at the launch site a 4am in the morning, so you got the image off a website..and to top it all off, you photoshopped the image to make some kind of montage.IN my estimation, this is the prime example of anti-digtal photgraphy. I am not oppsed to digital photography per-se. That is, in the hands of an experienced photagrapher who at least knows how to use a Pentax K1000. What i am seeing is very poor photogaraphy, without the slighest inclination towards a tradtional realistic image, but spalttered all over the screen as digital"art". Go get a penatx K1000. Spend 6 months takin images , and then come back and give us some digital photos without the phootshop crutch.