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Re: I've been forced to admit to myself that I'm being a little foolish...

Posted by Doc B. on April 7, 2006 at 07:12:49:

Hey Elliot,

I'm inclined to the prime lenses myself, but finally decided to pick up a zoom to use with my D1. Sometimes it's really nice to be able to pick up varied action without having to worry about swapping lenses. After digging around a little I found that the old Kiron 28-210 f3.8-5.6 MF zoom had a reputation for great sharpness and good color. It was a $300 or so lens when new, but they go for cheap on the bay these days. It's not the perfect all purpose lens for a digital SLR because it only zooms out to an equivalent 42mm on the D1. And you have to refocus at each distance. But it's been staying on there a lot when I don't need a wide shot, and taking really crisp images.