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it seems to me that...

Posted by Dominic on June 23, 2005 at 22:23:52:

the point appears to be lost on you.

The issue is not that digital isn't useable, it's that the market is a mess with everybody scrambling over each other with features and gizmos and design, and what we're left with is a mass of half efforts since the product will be so different in 6 months, never mind by the time the product doesn't work anymore, so that anything not made (i was going to say "marketed" but that would be incorrect) as a professional tool is cheap to the point of being disposable, and only isn't because it's full of electronics.

the bloody EOS rebel is a plastic shmuckity schmuck and costs over a thousand dollars.
it doesn't have to be forged titanium or even cast magnesium. When digital cameras are really a mature technology they won't be so disposable anymore.

-planned obsolescence, the bane of modern life.