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Film vs. Digital: The Showdown Begins:

Posted by Vinylly on June 1, 2005 at 16:47:12:

Just before we went on vacation to Puerto Vallarta, I bought the new small p&s digital FujiFilm F10. I wanted something nonobtursive and compact. The pics seemed OK, but not as good as my Olympus 8080 wideagle, which I didn't bring along because it was too big.
However, this morning I went to my local shop and picked up a used Leica Minilux Zoom, actually costing slightly less then the new Fuji F10. They seem to have the same power lenses.
So now comes the showdown, I will be taking pics of the same subjects at the same time with both cameras. We will just see which of these p&s cameras actually takes the best shots. If the Leica outperforms the Fuji then it looks like I'm stuck with two p&s's but if the Fuji outperforms the Leica, then the Leica Minilux goes back to the store. Anybody want to place any bets?