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Re: I'm Dying in here

Posted by Doc B. on May 26, 2005 at 16:05:25:

Well, here's my shot of the week. My buddy and jazz diva Jacqui Naylor was just in town and I managed to schedule an all too short sitting with her this morning.

I spent about an hour before she arrived getting everything set up and checking exposure with a Sekonic flashmeter. Queen Eileen stood in for Jacqui so I could check light balance. I used a Nikon D1 in manual mode at 1/500, Nikkor 28mm f/2.8 (42mm equivalent) at f/11. The room we used is very small and so I had to get up close and personal with a relatively short lens. Normally I use about a 50mm for portrature with the D1.

I used a 48 x 36 Chimera softbox on a Speedotron 102 head at 1200ws to the left and in front of Jacqui. A white 36" reflector sat on the floor aimed up at her from the right for shadow fill. Another 102 head at 400ws and with a fine grid was about 6 feet away to the far right, up high and slightly behind her for a hairlight. I shoulda kicked it up a little, I had to boost the hair sheen with the silver reflector in Nik color Fx. The face of the Altec mixer was hit with another 102 head at 400ws and with a coarse grid, sitting behind me to my right.

A black velour blanket, one we use for most of our model shots, was hung behind her. The table is an Ikea Lack table, which has a very nice semi gloss reflective surface that imparts a nice diffuse sheen to the reflection. It and the modded Altec mixer we are promoting in this shot got a coat of Pledge shortly before we shot.

Jacqui is a pro at PR work and showed up made up and ready to sit. Unfortunately we only had time for a few shots so I couldn't go back to tweak the setup. The Neumann mic should have been showing more of the label, and I think the tip of her pinky poking out from under her elbow is a little distracting. I will go back and dodge out the wrinkles in the background when I have some time.