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Need advice on full digital setup for high quality product photos for e-commerce

Posted by krisgel on March 26, 2005 at 05:13:41:


I am putting together a fairly large e-coomerce site with a lot of products (nutritional supplements). I took photography classes in high school, and I am fairly confident that with the right equiptment and some experimentation, I should be able to take high quality and good sized product photos for the website.

The trouble is that I do not know what camera, lens, lighting set-up and tripod to get to accomplish my goals. I was hoping to keep the total investment around $2500 if this can be done.

Also, I would like to be able to use the camera/lens/tripod for some amateur photography as another hobby to balance out my hi-fi obsession. :)

It seems to me that the Canon EOS 20D would be a good camera to get. How about the other equiptment?