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Best labs in Boston, Framingham, or Worcester, MA to develop 35mm film?

Posted by John Chleapas on January 2, 2005 at 14:11:45:

Hello people. I am getting back into photography after a few years away. I have an older Nikon FE I have owned since it was new back around 1977 or so. I have just snagged a good prime lens for it in a 300mm Tamron SP f/2.8 ID for it. I am sending it to Tamron factory for cleaning, lubrication, and any fine adjustments. This will supllement my 24mm wide angle, 50mm F/1.8, 105mm f/1.8 Nikon lenses for portraits and a few others. I am buying better quality film than the stuff from "Walgreens." Can anyone suggest a VERY good lab for me to send my film off to? If there is a good lab in the Framingham, Boston, or Worcester, MA areas for me to go in person that would be a plus. I did also pick up a 5 Meg digital camera but the film camera seems to give me more enjoyment. So where do you guys and girls send your film to? If I am spending more money for better film it seems to make sense to spend a few more dollars for better developing. I am also willing to mail my film if need be. Thanks for taking the time to read this. John C.