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Problems, Problems, and Indecisions:

Posted by Vinylly on December 3, 2004 at 15:58:27:

Down this website aways I was complaining about the time lag from the time you press the shutter and when the flash and the photo are finally taken with my Olympus 8080 wide-angle digital camera. I could antipate a golden moment occuring with an incredible smile from my grandaughter, but when the picture was finally captured, that smile turned out to be a startled look. Another problem that is frustrating is the motor driven wide angle-telephoto. Why the hell couldn't that be manual? It would be so much easier to make accurate adjustments. The problem with this camera is that going from wide angle to telephoto is so fast it's almost impossible to stop it somewhere between the two extreams. This was never reported on from the camera reviewers, either dpreview, steve's digital camera review or any of the magazines.
Finally, I have been looking at the Panasonic Lumix DMC-LC1 and the Leica Digilux 2. Boy, it feels good to have a real camera in your hands, with manual adjustments on the lens barrel and a solid precision feel! The Panasonic DMC-LCi is selling for $1350.00 while the Leica Digilux 2 is sellng for $1800.00 The real kicker is that Leica is offering a rebate of $480.00 to go into other equipment such as their flash gun. It seems that with this rebate, the Leica would be extreamly competitive with the Panasonic. They are basically the same camera except I'm told the Leica has better programing, and of course that little red dot makes gives the Leica a better resale value. Any opinions?