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Re: Sacrilege????

Posted by the englishman on July 19, 2004 at 14:50:09:

What lighting are you using, 'Shutters' old chap? Might be the wrong lighting for the Hassy, hence the duff quality. Incidently, Hasselblad have moved over the river to a new factory, their new owners splashing-out the money Hasselblad didn't have. I once tried for a job there, as a CNC operator, but didn't get it.
I knew the infamous sex-doctor, Steven Ward, in the late 50's-early 60's, he was a very keen artist/photographer when not organising orgies, and knew all the top men of the day. I met Beaton, Bailey, Morley, Snowdon, and Lichfield (and some chap called Rategen?) As I was a beautiful boy of 13-15 I posed for the lot of them, with and without clothes...and not always alone, ahem, and sometimes helped Bailey test 'emulsions' at his studio (he never called it film) especially colour. Sometimes he was given it, sometimes he had to pay! Mary Quant was very into the new dyes coming onto the market and he needed to know how it would come out. He was forced to try many combinations of filters and lighting to get the right colours, it's to do with the various wavelengths of the light given off. I think we once reeled-off 500 photos one day, a record! I got lunch and some fish and chips in the evening, out of it. It's how most models have to start, you needed to prove yourself before they paid you. I never got paid. Mary once made some underpants on my naked body that were later modelled by Sean Connery, just back from filming the tropical scenes for Dr. No, his last modelling-assignment. We had the same arse (butt).
Oh yes, I almost forgot. Anthony Blunt, 'the spy that got off the hook'? (and I know why), I was at the National Gallery in London with Mandy Rice-Davies, and we bumped into him. I knew him via Ward, a childhood friend of his, and he showed us around, interested that we both loved art. Mandy, a very intelligent and educated girl, asked him about the lighting they used to light each picture with, and it was the same there, it was an art-form to light each picture to it's advantage, they spent enormous amounts of money and time to try and get it right, it was one of his main jobs.
I'm sure that of you experiment with the lighting and filters the Hasselblad will come to the fore.