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Posted by abon on May 19, 2004 at 08:13:56:

I should have known better than to post this type of subject, ie, my car is better than yours,etc...
At this point in time, I feel that nearly every manufacturer has quality gear to offer, and depending upon one's photographic needs, there is something for everyone. I am also happy to see the Zeiss name become a household name due in large part to a brilliant marketing move with Sony. Up until now, a company that makes such superb optics was known mostly to Hassleblad users and a handfull of others. And I am not saying that other companies do not make superb optics in these modern times.
If optic history interests you at all, do a google search on Carl Zeiss company. There is some amazing and little-known gems to uncover in their 157 year old history. That they invented and own the Patent on Planeterium is one bit of trivia. Aspherical elements is another.
I still love my little Nikon FM, though! And the original Nikkor 105 2.5 is still one of my all-time favorite fashion/portait lens. It's so sharp that Not using soft-focus is not an option!