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Re: OT: light meter for HT use?

Posted by Dooby on April 28, 2004 at 06:49:32:

Photo meters used for measuring light for photographic exposures read out in exposure values (EV numbers), and not direct light units of measure. They are used to measure incident and reflected light.

Both a foot-candle and a foot-Lambert are equal to 1 lumen per square foot. The foot-candle measures light that is incident on a surface while a foot-lambert is a measurement of light being radiated from a source. The problem with measuring a foot-Lambert is that the light reading sensor needs to be directly on the surface so that the reading is not affected by light fall off (1/d^2) where "d" is the distance from the source to the meter.

If you could find a Photo Research Lite Mate, or Sekonic L-246 (much cheaper) foot-candle meter you could read the ambient light (foot-candles), and, in theory, approximate a foot-Lambert reading by holding the meter cell without the integrating lumidisc against the CRT screen in the area you want to read.