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Re: OT: Can anyone help with Digital Camera purchase?

Posted by Neil49 on April 24, 2004 at 13:46:56:

You didn't mention your primary purpose for using a digital camera, but you should probably consider around 3mp as your minimum, which will give you decent 4X6 or even 5X7 prints, and is ideal for Internet transmission of photos. For the latter use, you really don't need more. The Kodak 4330, while not bad at the price you've mentioned, is somewhat outdated. The DX-6330 is quite a step up and can be had for a pretty good price. Pluses are: Uses AA-size batteries, which are available ANYWHERE, ANYTIME; decent (but not great) battery life, and good image quality. Better still would be the DX-6340, which provides a longer-reaching flash and significantly better battery life.

The 6330 can be had for less than USD200, and the 6340 for under USD250, and Internet hunting should result in even lower prices. Don't make the mistake of shopping solely by price, and getting something that is more of a nuisance than it's worth.

Many people don't consider the Kodak line when shopping for digicams, but if you'll look at various sites where people have posted their experiences, you'll find that that Kodak puts out a pretty good product. Nikons, among others, do make GREAT film cameras, but the digital realm is another world entirely, and the old assumptions shouldn't necessarily follow. That's not to put down Nikon or any other brand, but especially in the lower-cost field, there are some surprising conclusions to be drawn.

Best of luck.