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Re: are there telescopes that work with cameras?

Posted by Peterloplop on April 10, 2004 at 02:06:54:

One possibility would be to get a telescope with a standard sized eyepiece holder and a camera adaptor. You can get these adaptors pretty cheap but it can be a fiddle getting a good focus.
My brother did this with my very cheap old telescope (a birthday present from when I was ~7) and an adaptor like the top one here. His results were pretty good considering the rubbish gear he was using (probably worth >$25 not including the camera).
I would imagine that a telephoto would give you far better results but for a lot more money.

I hope you can post some photos in the future, it would be good to see Puget sound after hearing its name so often in "Postal Service - This place is a Prison" (I used to listen to that album - Give up - almost daily).