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are there telescopes that work with cameras?

Posted by imrer on April 9, 2004 at 23:38:19:

I don't know anything about cameras or telescopes. My girlfriend has a 35mm Nikon and from our window an awesome view of the Olympic mountains and the Puget sound.

As a gift, I was thinking of getting her a telescope (or spotting scope?) that we could use to get a better look at the mountains and water and was wondering if there were such scopes to which she could also attach her camera to take pictures of the mountains up close.

In binocular speak, I'm looking for something with a greater than 30x zoom (I tried the view with one and it wasn't as close as I'd like it to be), so I don't know if just a telephoto camera lense will do the trick.

I'm hoping that such a thing exists, and that it might be available for under $150. But any information or suggestions would be appreciated.
