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Re: Sacrilege????

Posted by Hornlover on April 8, 2004 at 12:28:34:

For a long time I poo poo'ed digital, having shot large format for many years. That was until I really experienced digital. I now shoot about 98% digital. I will never look back. As you have found, even 'consumer' digicams give great results. With the pro versions, with thier larger sensors, the results are incredible. I remember a few year back when the film guys kept saying it would take 18MP or some such number to equal 35mm. Then I would look at a D1 image (2.7MP) and see more detail than I could see in 35mm film, and then the D1x came out, and exceeded 35mm by a wide margin. The current crop of 6MP and higher pro cameras give better results than 35mm film ever did. Not only is it giving excellent images, but its better for the environment, and it has increased my profit margins. I love it!