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Re: Well: Playtime Is Over:

Posted by Vinylly on March 26, 2004 at 07:12:15:

It was fun while it lasted. Let's face it, the D-Lux is a very expensive little toy. For about $300.00 less you can get the same camera without the red dot and fancy presentation boxing. It's called the Panasonic DMC -F1. As 'What Digital Camera' said in it's Buying Guide, 'stylish and easy to use' giving it an 84/100 rating.
However, for just $150.00 more then the price of the D-Lux, I finally settled on the new Olympus C-8080. It was the winner in it's catagory at the 2004 DIMA Digital Camera Shoot-Out based on the overall quality of the digital print and the accuracy of color.
Now all I have to do is fiddle around with it and get accustomed to using it. One negative I'm having difficulty with is that it moves too fast between wide angle and telephoto, so it's difficult to get it right where you want it.
Other then that, the 8"X 12" color photos around the neighborhood are incredible.