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Re: Well, -It's About Time To Up Grade My Digital:

Posted by Dominic on March 16, 2004 at 13:37:14:

I dunno man, the lcd mount is sketchy, and so is the pop up flash. the body overall has a rugged look, but those two things make me rather doubtful of that being the case outside of design cues. The only time i've ever used a digicam, over 2mp I was sorely dissapointed in the entire thing, huge shutter lag (though any film camera with AF is the same.: i hate AF) a viewer with atrocious colour balance, and you had to use an arcane software interface to even see the rest of the picture you'd just taken. If i were going for a digicam for quality shots, today i'd go for one with the Foveon sensor, but none of the ones with it really apeal to me as a camera user. Features Shm-eatures. Not that any of that is helpful advice to you.

When didgital cameras first became available i thought they were an absolute godsend. Being well into computers at the time, the advantages were obvious, but what i found out later was that the picture quality at the time was worthless, and nothing seemed to be implemented right: none of the potential was accheived. And film cameras are just as gimicky these days. I mean who the fuk invented auto focus! How can people stand it?

one feature that is fun is a camera that can do sequences, and the Olympus in question is a little slow at 1.6fps, otherwise, if the features you get are actually useful to you this camera seems to be quite top notch. So, if you find all the little features to not be superflous for your use and you aren't too hard on the 'appendages' then i say you picked a winner. But it's not for me.