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Well, -It's About Time To Up Grade My Digital:

Posted by Vinylly on March 13, 2004 at 08:55:11:

This is one thing I don't have to think about with my Leica R6 and my Hasselblad. BUT, my four year old FujiFilm FinePix 4900 Zoom now seems dated. There's a new crop out there. I have been considering the new Leica Digilux 2, and the Panasonic Lumix LCl. However, I had a chance to look at the new Olympus C-8080. It just seems for almost 1/2 the price of the Leica Digilux, the Olympus offers almost twice the features. It has 8 megapixals and during the digital 'shootout' at the 2004 PMA Convention, it also was voted as taking the best quality of photos, along with the Leica Digilux. I also like the smaller size and more substantial feel of the Olympus. The one thing I do like about the Leica and Panasonic is that they have an anti-shake devise that stablizes the image with telephoto shots so you don't have to tote around a tripod. Has anyone else had the opportunity to inspect or work with this latest Olympus?