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Re: Received gift of Krug NV Grand Cuvee -- anyone tried it?

Posted by acres verde on December 9, 2005 at 15:41:20:

Amazingly, this is my first ever visit to this board and what is the first thing that smacks me in the face but a question about one of the two or three best champagnes in bottle. Drink it dry, save the bottle, piss in the bottle after you've finished it, cram the cork back in and chill it again, open the bottle up the next day and dive in and what you'll have the second time around will still be better than DP.

A little background. I am by no means a wine connoiseur--I am a champagne lover and devotee and have been for 35 years. Un abashedly, I will admit to consuming at least 20 cases a year singlehandedly during this time and have had wines from at least 100 different houses and have sampled most of them at all of the various increments of price/quality available. Currently I order most of my stash from D&M Liquor in Frisco because they import so many champagnes from houses that are otherwise unobtainable in this country [at least, beknown to me] because I am on a quest to try as much as is possible with the resources and the liver available.

As regards audio, I have constructed my own set of corner bass traps exclusively with crawfish sacks filled with champagne corks [sounds pretty hokey, I know, but I live just north of New Orleans] and am presently working on a second set. Damn things do their job fairly well, I must say!

Back to the Krug. This is not a bubbly for the faint of heart. It's a real mouthful, one of the chewiest out there. Very full flavored with lots of toast and depth and a gorgeous, langorous finish devoid of bitterness or sours. Absolutely do not overchill or you will severely cramp its style and taste. When I pour it, the bottle never goes back in the fridge/bucket--I just leave it out and we nail it. I recommend about 60 degrees and tulip shaped flute as opposed to the more fashionable V-shaped type to maximize the bouquet and the intensity. At the moment, I have a Magnum of the Grande Cuvee and another of Krug "89 vintage waiting in the wings for the holidays and, I tell you, it's rough having to walk by them every time I pass through the kitchen. If it turns out that the GC floats your flute, spring for some Salon for an equally invigorating alternative.

A sante!