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RE: the print

Posted by Doc B. on April 22, 2008 at 07:51:17:

I think the original is just great, and there is a lot to be said for the importance of the intent of the original artist over those of us who want to "fix" his work! Fooling with the PS stuff is quite secondary to having the sense to capture that beautiful scene in the first place.

Color management is really a task. I didn't spend too much time on it until we started reprinting the original artwork from several of the albums we're doing for the Tape Project. Getting from the album cover to the scanner to the monitor and to the printer and getting it to look the same at both ends can take hours and hours. I ended up with two of the venerable old Sony GDM-20E20 CRT monitors on my graphics workstation, one of which I had to overhaul. Getting them up and calibrated made me realize just how much of a yellow cast my Toshiba laptop's LCD monitor has. And of course if you change paper you generally have to tweak whatever color settings you have made for the original paper. It's a lot of work to get right (I should probably say close rather than right), and I can't really say that I find it the most pleasant part of photography.

I agree that there is a lot of potential for nice shots in Seattle. Once you adjust your frame of mind you can find interesting shots just about anywhere.

Oh, one final tip - IME I would take the Kodak paper and start a nice fire with it, then order some Epson paper. I think you would like the improvement in color matching with your monitor and the overall improvement in the look of the print.