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first post here ! please feel free to tell

Posted by snkby on August 27, 2006 at 19:41:25:

me to go away concerning the subject matter if you feel it is not appropriate for this forum.

i promise i wont mention it again.

the reason i am posting here is that i recognize a lot of the names here that have helped me in the past with audio problems and info.

i have done a search in this archive and found nothing about the subject i want some help with.

i would really appreciate some help with hopefully resolving something
that i have considered fact since the late 60's and is an important part of my life.

namely .........the manned moon landing(s).

up until a few weeks ago i had no doubt in my mind that they really happened and now i am really starting to believe it was all faked.

the most telling record is the supposed photographic record of the missions shot with the hasselblad chest-mounted camera with no viewfinder and manual shutter-speed and f-stop.

im asking if some of you might be kind enough to look at the photos with the eye of a photographer wrt lighting/shadows/exposure/composition/etc and give me your opinion as to whether you think they are really from the moon or faked.

friday i asked a hardcore photographer friend if he thought the moon landings were real and he said --of course they are.--

i then asked him to look at some of the photos online and within a couple of minutes he started to point-out things to me that just couldnt be real if taken from the lunar surface.

i swear this is not a troll and totally understand if this subject is not wanted here.

thanks and sorry if i gave the forum a sharp stick in the hive.