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Re: Noise at iso 1600

Posted by user510 on June 9, 2006 at 18:54:34:

I suspect the noise is as much a result of my sensitivity setting as anything else. I could easily made the shot (hand held)at iso 800 or even 400 with the light that was there. Even better I could have used the tripod (the one that was in the car) and set iso to 200. I'm still getting used to the camera. Plenty of settings to get figured out.

I sure am happy with the D70s at the moment.... but if we wait another year or 2 there will be something new to take its place. Perhaps the resolution of the D200 or even D2xs in the body of the D70 and at the lower price. Who knows. This is why I didn't go over the top and spring for the D200. Obsolescence comes fast with the digital stuff.

BTW this last Photoshop exercise made an excellent print on 11 x 17 inch paper. Image size was 10 x 11 or thereabouts. Looks better than anything I ever got off of 35mm film. Nice composition with the crop that you did. I have a frame that should fit nicely once I cut a new mat. Thanks again for your suggestion and tips. That worked nicely.
