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Re: how's this.......?

Posted by user510 on June 9, 2006 at 17:41:42:

I really hadn't thought of this as a BW image when I took it so I'm sticking with colors. I did try your suggestion for removing some noise from the sky....and it worked to a fair degree, I think.

Magic Wand/select sky less moon/save selection
5 pixels seemed to work.

Then I inversed the selection and applied levels, darkening the midtones. I think this gives the rock a more saturated color.

Thanks Anthony for the Photoshop tips.
I'm having some fun here.


PS: I think the reference to A. Adams comes about not because I was trying to duplicate a particular shot (Moon Over Half Dome, perhaps..?), but because the landscape of the North Cascades has some of the same features as can be found in Yosemite. The Cascades, in Washington State, are also quite different and offer alpine type views. Many of the peaks are volcanoes, btw. Some active, most inactive. It's a wild place up there.