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Highly recommend Canon PowerShot A85...

Posted by AbeCollins on February 1, 2005 at 20:49:11:

I own three Olympus digital cameras. Only one of them is top notch (~$800 8-megapixel). The other two Olympus are only so so compared to the Canon PowerShot A85. I got the Canon for my Dad and will highly recommend it to friends and other family members. The menu system on the Canon is much better than the Olympus and frankly the picture quality, color saturation, and sharpness are also better right out of the box (w/o making any fine adjustments from the default settings). The PowerShot A85 is a 4 megapixel camera but I wouldn't get too hung up on that either because it does a better job than my 5 megapixel Olympus. The A85 was selling for about $250 before Christmas but the prices have probably come down quite a bit since then.

Also, don't get too hung up on SmartMedia cards as they've gone out of style and CompactFlash and other types have come down in price significantly. In other words, don't base your new camera buying decision on some old SmartMedia cards you may presently own. And one more note... don't buy your CompactFlash, XD, or other media cards from the retailer who sells you the camera. They're typically priced about twice what you can find them for online even at Amazon.com. Shop around for best pricing on CompactFlash but also be aware that some are faster than others so you may pay a slight premium for the faster card.... but you'll often pay too much if you buy them from most retailers.

There may be a recplacement in the works for the A85 but that will just make the current price on this model even more attractive. It's a fine camera.

Accuphase DP65V cdp or Denon DVD-5900 Universal
PS Audio PCA-2 Pre - Krell KSA50S - Tannoy D500 spkrs