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Re: please ignore...

Posted by abon on May 21, 2004 at 23:29:58:

I wouldn't feel to sad about the Zeiss Corp, really. They are in great shape.
Hassleblad and the fashon magazines will never go away, nor the Zeiss lenses used with them.
They make the world's best medical/scientific microscopes that cost a fortune; and they supply Zeiss-designed lenses for affordable Sony cams.
Then of course their is the movie industry. And so on. Niched market perhaps, but a nice niche to be in.
The coating that gives Zeiss optics the edge in color fidelity is still under their patent, I believe.
They tend to spend more money on R+D rather than advertising.
Another bit of trivia is that Zeiss Corp is the only optical company that publishes MTF charts on every lens they produce.
They will probably never have the name recognition of say Canon and the rest, but will always have a strong, albeit quiet, presence concerning optics.
Thanks for your response, Jerry.