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Shutterbug Strasse

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Posted by Ding-Dang on May 5, 2004 at 06:57:41:

I agree. On consumer and even pro-sumer models, shutter lag is really frustrating. Some cameras are better than others, and are almost instantaneous - but, it's still not like being able to partially depress the shutter button just shy of tripping the shutter, so the slightest twitch of the finger makes the exposure. That's why I use a Leica for certain occassions. No mirror flip, no finder black out and the smoothest, quickest shutter stroke on the planet.

Or, you can just machine-gun your way to success by trying to overwhelm the moment with a rapid, multi-burst exposure technique. The funny thing is, I'm always better at picking the moment than getting lucky that the moment happens during a muli-frame exposure and not between frames.