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Original Message

Handling those big digital files

Posted by John C. - Aussie on June 19, 2003 at 13:39:36:

Hi Adi

Thanks for the tip re Adobe Photoshop Album 1.0 - I'll follow up.

I've rejected a DVD burner for the moment but have what I think is a better alternative. I'm purchasing a firewire card for the HP Xe3 notebook and a 160 gb Maxtor external drive. The advantages of firewire are twofold - it can be hotwire connected and has staggeringly fast download speeds. So I can prepare material on the desktop, save it on the external Maxtor, then plug the Maxtor into the Notebook for slide shows or whatever. The other advantage of the external drive is that it does not have to be connected and whirring around all the time so should have a very long life.

BTW those D100 jpeg files can give humoungous PoerPoint files. About 200 -> a PP file of 440mb!

Interesting times!


Peace at AA