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Re: Congrats John

Posted by Adi on June 17, 2003 at 18:04:36:

>>I'm putting them into Powerpoint for viewing easily on the computer and on our projector system.

Take a look at Adobe Photoshop Album 1.0 which is specifically created for this purpose. Although like a typical 1.0 software, it is a few rough edges, but still very versatile IMO. YOu can categorize the photos, email and publish them on the web with automated layouts including thumbnails, borders etc, burn VCDs, slideshows etc.

Just yesterday, I burned a test VCD. It was a breeze. Although, I am disappointed with the quality of VCD pics on my HDTV --compared to my EIZO monitor or 950i prints-- I am going to use that feature for my and wifes families in India. I am sure when viewed on Std. Def. monitor they look fabumous. PS Album also allows to put in MP3 background music, which I liked.

Yes, I am also drooling for a DVD-R but they and the media are overpriced right now. Hopefully within a year DVD-Rs prices will comedown to reasonable level.

ON the hard-drive question, Right now I am using a 20Gb partition in the WD 80Gb drive with 8MB cache. Got an extra disk for exclusively photos and videos which is yet to be installed. Before doing that, I need to get an external USB drive for the hard-drive. I already have a 40GB external USB drive, very versatile. Hot plugins and disconnects and portablity features are simply irrestable. This WD drive is extremely fast (faster than any drive I used, thx to the cache) and amazingly quite, you wont even know its running.