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Re: Homemade outboard motor using briggs 2hp

Looks like your on your way. I think your hobby weilder should be enough to handle it, but I am not the one to give welding advice,, I gorrilla weld myself, but my welds do seem to hold.
From your pictures. The only warning light that went off in my head was about the motor mount.With such a small motor, it might not be a concern, However it appears to me that the weight of the motor will have a good deal of leverage against the transom. All outboards hang over the back, this is true, But they also are much closer to the transom, and in some cases even overhang into the boat some. Your mounting plate looks like it is overhanging the rear too much. The further away from the transom you mount, the more you will amplify any stress created by weight and motor thrust.. I realize its a little late for magor design changes, But I think this could be a Important design flaw you might want too address before you go much further. I bet you have a formula kicking around someplace in your head to figure how much leverage 50 pounds or so will gain at the end of a 1 foot arm. Is there any specific reason it is so far out?

Keep us posted and good luck with it.

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