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Re: design concept

Hi and thank you for your reply!
I have heard about the problem of keeping the boat clean from other users exspecially when it has upholstery on the seats.
First off my attention lies on a seating system, that gives you the possibility to change from seating configuration to cargo situation easily. I find that interesting because of the small amount of space available on those open boats. what do you think of the practicabillity of some folding systems mounted to the interior of a boat. Is it so that one would really feel the need to change the seat-arrangement? what problems do you see with moving parts and folding mechanics.
The other idea was to provide some sort of sleeping situation that comes frome rearranging the interior. This is more the idea have having to staz one night on boat because of some problems or wrong calculations but not to sleep there for a week. What do you think about that idea? Depending to your first statement,is this needed at all?
I'd be glad to hear from you!

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