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Re: Resolution


>>>What’s the best dpi your Canon D30 can give? I'm not sure at what point the trained eye comes into it, as some of the digital shots look pretty good to me.<<<

DPI is deceiving as DPI can be anything you want AS LONG AS you have enough pixels to cover them. If i was looking to have large blow-ups (over 14x20) or do wall-sized images then no, the D30 is not it. For photojournalists there are plenty of pixels for normal print media. Besides, most images a reporter has in audio magazines are small shots and not of the full page variety.

If you want good photos that blow up well i would start with a Hasselblad or other medium format variety and go up from there. Of course there ARE super high rez digital backs for medium format cameras, but the price is still a bit too steep for "normal" photo folks to schwing :-(

Enjoy the music,

Steven R. Rochlin

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  • Re: Resolution - Steven R. Rochlin 15:54:05 04/04/01 (0)

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