Shutterbug Strasse

Re: Any Canon guru's out there? Need some help with my old FTb

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I am having the same problem with my Pentax ME super.

Where are you?

I did extensive research and I am going with Bedford Camera and Video in FT Smith Arkansas. First of all is close to me. Secondly...they care...they are not out to "sell you" a new camera.

It is one of those shops that Camera Buffs "hang out".

Certainly get someone close. If you choose to try Bedford, I can check up on it regularly and keep you in touch with progress through emails. They quoted me 26 days to completely replace the entire shutter mechanism with a new one(Factory) for about 110.00 I think that is fair..anmd give it a complete dissasembly and cleaning. Hell those guys use white gloves was what a Buddy told me. I do want to "make sure"..think I will pay them a personal visit tomorrow and see how the vibe is.

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