Shutterbug Strasse

Re: Stick with D-76. or IBM Microdrive

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Not an admirer of the Nikon Lens system? Shock! Outrage! Sacrilege!

Actually, it's like everything else; some great ones, some good ones, some average, and some dogs. The trick is to not buy the dogs, and to pick and choose from the best buys and "sleepers" among the others. For example, I just found a Nikon Series E 75-150 with excellent optical condition for $89.

But in the more popular ranges (leave out the $4000 and up models) I think Canon has better glass on average, as does the Minolta Maxxum line. Pentax is probably below Nikon in the AF lines, but was equal or better back in the manual focus days. For instance, the Pentax 100 f/2.8 M series is every bit as good as the famous Nikkor 100 f/2.5, and had better coatings to boot.

Conventional wisdom is to buy Nikon because of their wonderful lenses. I bought Nikon because of the wonderful FE-2 (or FM-3a) and use a mixture of Nikon, Tamron, and Vivitar Series 1 glass. Whatever works best for me.

Here's a question: At the same time Nikon is bringing out G series AF lenses and VR lenses which are increasingly incompatible with earlier MF (and AF) bodies, they bring out the new FM-3a. Does that make any sense? Schizoid management? Any thoughts?

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