Shutterbug Strasse

Re: Filters

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"I was born and raised at the Jersey shore and have never lost a lens to salt spray and I abandoned skylight filters long ago."

I guess you have never shot big wave surfing in Hawaii! It's something I do year round. After two hours of shooting on the beach your front element is totally coated (I use Canon EOS 3 and 1V bodies which are well sealed). Of course, you must leave the camera out in the elements on a tripod since you're using big glass. If I'm lucky, I hitch a ride on a boat with a pro friend and get both salt water and spray on my gear (I use a plastic protector but the lens and control surfaces must be open). As a foolish youth I used to change lenses at the beach. I thought a few seconds of exposure would be ok, but my reflex mirror had salt spray on it after the first day.

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