Shutterbug Strasse

beg your pardon

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Who said pros were dumping vinyl?
Last I heard Bowie has 700o plus albums,doesn't listen to CD's, Neil Young compared Cd's to taking a shower with ice cubes,and everybody appears to be releasing vinyl again. Hey, who are we to argue with musical genuises.
If digital was so great, then why are the digital world's powers that be constantly trying to improve the technolgy so that it "comes close to capturing the analog sound"?
It's also funny how people complain about pops and crackles. They apparently were listening to crappy TT's and cartridges.
There are some good Cd's out there that can occasionally match the sound quality of vinyl, but there is just so much more vinyl to be had. And you don't need to spend thousands to compensate for the Compact (disc) sound.
Film will be exceeded in quality by digits long before music is.

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