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Post-enlargement "effects" on prints (analogue)

Posted on May 9, 2006 at 19:35:27
This is difficult for me to explain.

I'm relatively happy with the quality of 12X18's, and 16X20's that my local lab is prining for me. However, I would like to "add" some effects that WILL MAKE MY PRINTS LOOK MORE LIKE PAINTINGS!

Specifically, when I was making B&W enlargements, I could use a number of different "texture screens", that made the prints look grainy, added a linen texture to the print,create "brush-strokes, etc.

Now that I am dealing with commercial colour prining labs, this option seems to have vanished.

I have tried microwaving the enlargements, in the hopes that the emulsion would start to sag slightly, I have tried varnishing over the enlargement, then blotting with cheesecloth, in a vain attempt to create a "linen look". I have tried varnishing with a spray, then brushing over the image with a dry brush(es) to create an illusion of brush-strokes.I've even tried blistering the emulsion with a heat gun.

I think you get the idea, I want more than a well-exposed, sharp, in-focus, cropped photograph.....I want to continue to alter the print until it reflects what is in my mind..and I want to do this to commercially printed enlargements, not with camera filters of any sort, or, God forbid, digital alterations.

Can anyone direct me to a book or website that may offer information in this gendre?

Things are just not the same from the days of having two or three jugs of Dektol at varying temps,texture screens, the ability to burn-in, dodge,solarize, etc.
I have the feeling now that we simply TAKE the picture,then we lose control to a machine, we have lost the art and ability to MAKE the picture.
I know that many of these techniques are available digitally..but, hey, I'm still an analogue (Hassleblad and Nikon) kinda guy.

Thanks in advance, Impoverished Audiophile.


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